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World War 2: Time Of Wrath Full Crack


About This Game Time of Wrath gives a fine piece of wargaming for every fan of WW2 era. This strategy allows players to take control over any country during World War 2 era in Europe and North Africa theater. It was designed in a way which allow players who are new to the genre to quickly familiarize with the rules and to start battles with veterans who still remember great classic strategy titles.Easy rules, deep historical setting and detailed OOB, together with great moddability potential will allow for hundreds of hours of gameplay as any nation or even whole alliance.FeaturesEurope and North Africa 1939-1948.More than 20000 Land Hexes.Over 30 countries.Weekly Strategic Turns.Simplified economic system allowing to focus on military operations.Air and Land Combat, including Sieges, Interceptions, Strategic Bombardment, Air Recon, Fleet Air attacks, Bombardment.Naval system allowing to build Aircraft Carriers, Battle, Patrol and Submarine Groups. Managing fleets, convoys and raiders in Sea Zones.Possible to play as any nation and as any combination of countries.Diplomacy focused on three main alliances: Axis. Allies and Commitern. Diplomatic actions allow to haste or slow down war entry, perform elections or Coup.Weather system simulates, spring and autumns rainfalls and snow. Beware of General Frost!Logistics system controlling supply level of all units.Customizable Fog of War, that might be revealed by air recon.Hot-seat and PBEM.Standard Campaign from 1939 - 1948 as well as other starting campaigns to diverse starting possibilities.Hundreds of historical events such as Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Vienna Dictate, Lend-Lease, and many more.Map zooms in and out smoothly.Technological race in research of new more powerful units and control power of Atomic bomb.Fully historical, detailed orders of battle in all scenarios with historical names for hundreds of land, air and naval units.Land units divided into Divisional and Corps size allows to choose tactic of steamroller or maneuvers warfare.Possibility to create modern or obsolete units.Improved A.I. to perform better in strategic and tactical level.Hotkeys allowing for quick access to most important functionalities.Mulberry harbors as a helpful and powerful tool in preparation to huge landing operations.Paratroopers will help to takeover distant key point locations.Music that aids immersion into the game atmosphere.Historical commanders boosting commanded units.Suez and Gibraltar as an important locations helping to control Mediterranean.Customized graphic for major countries units.Borders editor together with easy access to game data files allows to change and setup own scenarios. 7aa9394dea Title: World War 2: Time of WrathGenre: Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Wastelands InteractivePublisher:Wastelands InteractiveRelease Date: 15 Jun, 2009 World War 2: Time Of Wrath Full Crack much more detailedd version of its sister game Strategic war in Europe. If your a fan of old turn based WWII games you will lov this 1. Spent a few hours, trying to play this game. but didnt get very far because the number of times it crashed :(. I'm not sure why this game isn't more popular. It's a lot like the old style Avalon Hill\/SPI games. In fact there are even NATO style skins available. There's got to be a few of us old guys around.The interface is a difficult. You have to click 3 times to do an action and for bombing that is 3 clicks all over a scrolling map. Also when attacking; the unit can be weakened over and over without any indication if all the clicking is actually doing anything. Recommend if you long for the old style games.. Great turn-based grand strategy game for $2. I like how complicated it is, BUT would be nice if the tutorial was a little more detailed, I am so confused on how to use the Navy and transportation.. Overall I'd give this game a 4\/5. It's a pretty excellent game for the money. I started my serious wargaming phase (after some failed attempts at panzer general) with Hearts of Iron III. I found that I loved organizing and arrangin the units, but once combat started I hated the game since all you did was watch your massive creation fail miserably and have to start over again. I then bought Unity of Command, which is by far my favorite war game, and sunk many hours into that. When this game went on sale for 2 dollars, I thoguht, why not? i was initially turned off by the cheesy graphics and the cheap look of it and thought it would be shovelware, boy was I wrong. The biggest strength of this game is that it basically bridges the gap between "operational level" games like Unity of Command, and grand stategy like Hearts of Iron. You have complete control over the entire fronts of your war, as well as some control over politics and production, but the latter two are very streamlined to focus on combat. The one downside to this is some railroading the game does to you, preventing the infinite amount of "what if" scenerios of Hearts of Iron. Far from the weekend college course learning curve of many of the paradox games, this game can be learned in about 30 mins even if you are a complete newbie, which is honestly what i still consider myself. The tutorial goes over the basics of combat and management, but I'd reccomend taking a peep at the manual, which is very well indexed. Overall combat is as simple as selecting a unit and moving it into an enemy hex, you can aslo conduct multi-pronged assaults in a three click process. Air strikes are as simpel as clicking on the air unit, and clicking what type of strike you would like and then choosing your target. The fact that everything can be done in 1-3 quick clicks makes this game such a joy to play. The joy in this game is in the micromanagement of units and battles on a large scale map over the period of an entire war. if you liked that aspect of hearts of iron but hated everything else, this is the game for you. The units in this game are mostly divisions and corps, allowing much more tactical options and more control over the battlefield. Everything you need to know about land and air combat is displayed on the sidebar, meaning you don't have to look up anything before initiating combat. It makes micro-management fun and easy. Also in my experience this game is extremely well optomized, zooming in and out on the map is smooth and flawless, and I've yet to have a single crash, for a game that literally has the entire european theatre in division sized units, it runs very well. Also the cheesy graphics I mentioned? totally customizable, there are quite a few different skins for both units and maps that come with the game, and you can download more user made ones from various forums. I opt for this look, http:\/\/\/BizDOBf.jpgit makes me feel like a general with an old worn paper map. i love that! The biggest downside is the naval combat, it's awful. There is a seperate screen for naval combat in which you move your fleets to various different hubs, then do battle with enemy fleets. The fact that it's seperate from the rest of the game can make it very confusing, and it's really easy to accidentily move your fleet to the wrong hub, and pay a heavy price for doing so. Another downside is that I found terrain doesn't have as much as an effect as it should, I have launched attacks across rivers and not suffered very heavy losses. Finally the AI can be very dumb and historically inaccurate, one thing I noticed was that french troops actually leave their heavily fortified maginot line positions to attack your border units, and try to invade Germany! this might look indimidating to the non historically savvy gamer but to anyone with a basic knowledge of WW2 history this is enormously stupid. The polish units so far have behaved in a historically accurate manor, trading land for time and crumpling under the mighty armor of the Wermacht. I haven't played much further than 1940 so I can't say much more, but the AI could definitely use an update. Seeing that wargames can cost as much as 90 dollars, and even smaller scale wargames like panzer corp are 20 dollars (plus loads of DLC), It's easy to see why a full theatre war game for 10 bucks might seem too good to be true, but it's not. This is a very solid game that's well worth the money and does a lot of things very very well, even if it's a bit rough around the edges.. Great concept for a game but poorly carried out.Was this was a rush job leaving many features out?One the positive side"+ gives you an understanding of the political ethos+ the grafic quality of the game is good+ historically enlightening + combat features are quite good+ research feature ehences the realistic quality of the game, to this I would add production.On the negative aspects of the game:- naval warfare is extreemely poor.- no manual is available anywhere!!!!- the tutorial is poor covering only part of the game.I sugest more work on a fine concept.One hopes publishers will address these issues by a patch but most likely and profitably (for them) by a another game. Nevertheless I will never buy a Matrix\/Wastelands game again without without reading reviews and forums.I give this game 3 out of 5 stars. this is the single worst\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665I've ever played in my entire life. It's kind of strange, this game. I do actually enjoy playing it, but only because it is so utterly broken with how the ai in this game acts it's just absolutely hilarious.Seriously, you are going to find so many things wrong with the ai but keep coming back just so you can laugh at how incompetent it is.The combat itself is decent all round; It isn't like any of those overly-complex ones where you need to look at a damn spreadsheet to figure out if an attack is a good idea or not. If your land units have higher strength and has favourable terrain to attack to\/defend from, things will go pretty much as you'd expect. Just use common sense in that regard. The navy works by ordering a fleet to a specific sea region then forgetting about it, and that's fine. I will say that you shouldn't bother with using the airforce to attack ground units unless it's clear weather and the enemy are on open terrain. I have found that strategic bombers make a pretty potent anti-navy force, though.Anyway, here's a rundown on some of the downright sad things the ai does in this game:-Have france move units out of the french-german Maginot-Line forts, sometimes making it unnessesary to go through belgium at all.-AI navies don't seem to understand the concept of going back to port for repairs, and will gladly sit in the same sea region and get destroyed (I was able to wipe out Britians entire navy due to this)-Italy doesn't even try to garrison Albania with troops for the future war with Greece, and declare war anyway, promptly getting Albania occupied by the Greeks a turn or two later-USSR will attack Finland in the Winter War, then not bother to actually go beyond the territories it's supposed to take to force the peace treaty if it decides it wants all of Finland, resulting in a stack of Soviet troops sitting in the middle of Finland, doing nothing.-Germany sometimes declare war on the Soviets in the middle of WINTER.-I saw a large stack of German and Soviet troops opposite sides of the baltic sea, just sitting there doing nothing. It took a while to realize that they were trying to attack eachother, but couldn't move through the sea zone to do so, so they sat there.-Hungary and Romania went to war once, and then both got the event to join me (Germany). They did so, but because they were at war, I got involved in the war also, so ended up at war with both of them.-Invaded Italy as the US and took all their victory points. The peace treaty had Italy surrender the rest of their unnocuppied themselves to the SOVIETS. So I now had Russian territory in Milan that I couldn't go through to get to German-Austria, so I had been effectively cut off from them until the Germans took the Russian territory themselves.Also, it becomes really obvious that the AI is given a lot more production points to buy units then you do. Only way to explain how they can afford to place "blobs" of unit counters in random places on the map, yet still have enough counters left over to wage war on you every chance it gets. Granted, that's probably because the AI would be a pushover if it had an ounce of fairness imposed on them.Overall, you should totally buy this game just so you can get a good laugh at how stupid the AI in games can get. If you can play this game with other people, though, I would recommend it for that as it does look like it would play out well as a multiplayer game.. WHile it may show I have like 40 hours logged I have only owned this game for a couple days but have left it on over nite. I can say I havve probably played close to 20 hours though. I am not one to write reviews but I thought I would for ToW. FIrst of all let me say I LOVE this game. I have been forever a fan of Strategic Level WWII games. AH's Third Reich, SPI's War in the West\/War in the East\/ War in Europe, ADG's World in FLames, and my favorite......TSR\/SPI's WWII. Of all these games, ToW reminds me most of TSR's WWII. Although in TSR's version, there are only 8 hexes from Minsk to Moscow, in ToW there are 32, so the playin field is much bigger and it feels more tactical and realistic. It is this large map that allowed me to change my mind about the stacking limit of one unit. The AI isnt all that smart, but I have seen a lot worse. This game was MADE to play PBEM, I think....something you couldnt do with TSR's WWII. I ran thru the tutorial which didnt teach me all that much, and then I thought I would try playing Italy as it is a smaller yet major nation that would allow me to use naval, air, armor tacttics, etc. I started in 1939 and decided against starting there so I jumped in with the Barbarossa start date playing nothing but Italy. I had to learn some fundamentals the hard way about sea transport, strategic moving, supply convoys and rebasing aircraft, but I can say I have had a lot of fun. About 10 turns into the game, I set Finland as a human player as well, and even THAT has been fun. I havent tried this game PBEM yet but I would love to, as I think you could probly convert AI nations to Player nations along the way, so that as minors, i.e. the Balkan States, entered the war, the Axis player could pick them up....or maybe even add players as the war progresses? Anyone know the answer to this? If you are looking for a WWII game for both western and eastern fronts with the detail of Gary Grigsby's War in the East....this game aint it. But it is a lot of fun to play and moves along a WHOLE lot faster. Anyway, I heartily recommend this game if you like this genre at a strategic level. 8^D. Lose almost every battle for no reason


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